Human body is made of many vital organs and one such in the list is the spinal cord of the nervous system. The spine is one of the complicated structures, made up of 33 vertebrae, several ligaments, more than 30 muscles, inter-vertebral discs and numerous joints.

The Spinal column serves the function of protecting the most essential spinal cord. Spinal cord communicates the sensation of mobility of body parts to the brain through the complex interaction of its bones, ligaments, muscles and the surrounding nerves.

Such a complex structure of spinal column enables it to perform manifold functions. This supports whole body and is also responsible for all body movements of arms, legs and head. Thus, if in any case this spine is injured or damaged, whole body suffers. This causes an unbearable back ache.

Back ache has become the most common medical problem in the current time. This problem of back pain is suffered by people of all age groups and of both the genders. Mainly lower back ache problems are more common in people between the ages of 25 and 60.

In most of the cases the problem resolves within few weeks and this type of back ache comes under the acute category while the back ache can get severe if patient not get relived within the period of three months and is considered chronic back pain.

Few of the common reasons for most of the back pains are:

Muscular Strains:This type of strain is caused due to extra pressure or twist on back muscles leading to muscle tear and severe pain.

Ligamentous Sprains: This condition is caused when ligaments are stretched beyond its limits.

Improper Postures: Wrong sitting and standing postures causes unnecessary strain on back.

Inappropriate Lifting Techniques: Twisting motions of back and extra pressure on back while lifting heavy items causes unbearable back pain.

Osteoporosis: One of the common disorders in women caused due to scarcity of calcium leading to weakening of spine bones.

All above causes of back pains can be prevented by little care and avoiding activities leading to spine injury. Adaptation of general back pain prevention habits in the daily routine also prove highly helpful. Explore below few methods to prevent back injuries and back pains:

  • Daily habit of performing appropriate stretching exercises including gentle stretches. Exercises should be performed in a proper manner for a fixed time limit in daily routine. Plenty of water should be drunk after finishing exercise for required hydration in body.

  • Proper body postures should be practiced while sitting and standing. Sit while supporting back with the chair and both feet touching floor is helpful while standing one should follow proper vertical body alignment right from ears to the ankle bone.

  • One should keep changing body position after short duration of time accompanied with stretching and little walking to prevent excessive stress on spine.

  • Care should be taken while lifting heavy items. Always use hips and legs for such heavy loads and avoid twisting and bending at the same time.

  • Daily walking and swimming should be practiced to strengthen lower back.

  • Daily diet should be checked for required calcium levels especially for females.

  • Low heels and soft soled foot wears should be used.

  • Smoking and high alcohol consumption should be avoided.

Any damages, wear, or trauma to the bones, muscles, or other tissues of the back is termed Back injuries. Common back injuries that an individual come across include sprains or strains, herniated disks, and fractured vertebrae. Every injury starts with back pain and the pain starts with the lower back because it is very flexible and bears the weight of entire body.

Recent studies have shown that up to 1/3rd back injuries can be prevented by bettering the job design. More and more jobs involve the use of computers this resulted in sedentary life at workplace too. Sedentary lifestyles conduce to weakness of muscles and hamstrings. Incorrect lifting methods, wrong posture, Repetitive lifting, bending, and twisting the torso owe the credit of causing severe and frequent low-back pain. The misappropriation of muscles cause stress on the spine that lead to hemorrhage or internal bleeding of spinal column.

Lower back is affected first with injury for its distance from the weight that the hands bears create substantial stress on lower back, especially at the disc between the fifth lumbar and the first sacral vertebrae

For lifting the back muscle force is eight times the load weight and four times the torso weight combined. The normal range of strength capability of the erector spinal muscle at the low back is 2,200 to 5,500 N. For example, if a person lifts a load more than the upper limit of muscle capability then it would create strain on back.

In addition to the back muscle strength the compression force on the L5/S1 disc must also be taken care of.

Load or weight lifting task, involves the influence of several factors like the weight and the position of the load relative to the center of the price, degree of twisting of the torso, the size and shape of the object, and the distance the load is moved determine the load on a spine.

Precautions to avoid injuries

   Companies can go for strength testing of his workers to avoid back injuries. Testing muscle strength reduces the risk of injuries up to one-third by stopping an individual from taking up the assignment that exceeds their strength capabilities.

   Correct lifting technique should be taught to the employees so that incorrect way of lifting would not harm his back and minimum stress is laid on the lower back

   Physical conditioning or stretching exercises reduce the risk of muscle strain

   Loads should possibly be hold close to the body, at approximate height of the waist.

   Minimize torso twisting in materials handling

   Adjust the height of a pallet or shelf. Lifting below knee height or above shoulder height is more strenuous than lifting between these limits. Obstructions which prevent an employee's body contact with the object being lifted also increase the risk of injury

   Pneumatic lifts, conveyors or automated materials handling or any other mechanical equipment should be used for moving heavy loads.

   Factors such as whole body vibration, psychosocial factors, age, sex, body size, health, physical fitness, and nutrition conditions of a person, determines the incidence rate and severity of low back-pain.

These days back pain is quite a common problem among people across the globe. Almost 90% Americans at any point of time suffers with this monster. Pain attacks the lower back first. It is not a disease but may be a precursor to some back injury.

Doctors say that the number of patients suffering from back pain, especially lower back pain is increasing day by day. Back pain may be caused by many fundamental reasons, but often it gets very difficult to trace the specific cause and thus controlling and ending pain.

If the pain in back pain has been there for less than a month it is considered acute but it is chronic if it lasts longer

Causes of Back Pain

Among the common causes of back pain first comes our sedentary lifestyle. It is the cause behind disease or injury to muscles, bones or nerves of the spine. Usually the pain roots from the abdomen, pelvis, or chest that is actually may be your back pain. This condition is called referred pain

Among others appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney diseases, bladder infections, pelvic infections, and ovarian disorders can cause back pain. Pregnancy also possibly cause back pain as during pregnancy ligaments stretch within the pelvis that strains the low back.

Often nerve impingement or irritation leads to the bulging of the disc of lower back bones. Sciatica, a very common and wide spread problem is an example of nerve root impingement. In Sciatica the pain is so sharp that the specific area of the leg that have nerve supplies become numb

Our spine is made of several discs. If these spinal discs degenerate or grow thinner the condition is called Herniated discs. The bulging centre of the disc bulges out of the central cavity and pushes against a nerve root. Gradually discs begin to degenerate. Almost 1/3rd adults older than 20 years of age suffer from herniated discs.

Spondylosis occurs when intervertebral discs lose moisture and thus begin to contract with the growing age, which results in the formation of gap between two discs. To worsen the situation it may sometime have inflammation and nerve root impingement.

Spinal stenosis is caused by narrowing of spinal canal due to deterioration of Spinal disc and disease of the joints in low back. A person suffering from spinal stenosis may have pain on standing for a long time or walking.

Cauda equina syndrome is medically a disaster where the spinal cord is compressed due to the spread of Disc material into the spinal canal. A person would endure pain, possibly lose sensation and can not control urination. He sees difficulty in releasing urine as well as he will go for frequent urination.

Certain Musculoskeletal pains like myofascial pain syndromes and fibromyalgia are also there in anyone’s life Myofascial pain is the pain and tenderness over muscles of localized areas. Pain is relieved when the implicated muscle group is stretched. The pain and tenderness is widespread throughout the body in  Fibromyalgia. Generalized stiffness, fatigue, and muscle aches are the side effects of Fibromyalgia.

Last but not least osteomyelitis and Tumors can be a starting place of skeletal pain.

India is known for its ancient traditions, culture and religions which are even today being practiced. Yoga is originated from India and today the whole world practices it. Foreigners specially come to India to learn yoga and get trained. To be healthy you need good body cool mind and peaceful soul. One has to understand the need of the body to keep it healthy, we have various options like gym aerobics, yoga etc. Among all these the most ancient one is yoga.


Yoga means union of mind body and spirit in other words it is how one gets connected to the divine lord through his soul. In the past we have heard about so many cases that kings and great legends all of sudden left all their physical and materialistic life and walk into the jungles in search of God for peace of mind. They practiced yoga meditation and attained mental peace and returned to preach about the spiritual powers of life. Basically yoga is a kind of exercise which not only keeps you fit physically but also controls your inner emotions and gives your emotions a correct direction to march forward. One who practices yoga regularly gets a power of self enlightened and also spreads the positive, divine and spiritual effects in the environment.


yoga, yoga for back pain, back exercises

In today's scenario every where there is competition and immense pressure which is more than enough to make you tired sick and frustrated. Let none of this affect you, Want to know how? Just believe in yourself and give good exercise to your mind body and soul. Then you will definitely see the positive change in you and around you. Just give 30 minutes every day to your body and you can see and feel the positive effects of yoga which will refresh you day by day. Yoga increases your lifeline, eradicates all the major deceases of mental health.

Back Injuries

Any damage, wear, or trauma to the bones, muscles, or other tissues of the back is termed Back injuries. Common back....
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These days back pain is quite a common problem among people across the globe. Almost 90% Americans at any point of time suffers with this monster.
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Benefits of Yogafor Mental Health

Yoga is originated from India and today the whole world practices it. Foreigners specially come to India to learn yoga and get trained.......
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Spinal Abnormalities

Spinal abnormalities may arise anytime in an individual's life. These are rather unusual or atypical conditions.......
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Spine is most susceptible to pain. Common problems that might be associated with it are Sciatica, Sexual Dysfunction, Colitis and Difficult Periods
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Spinal Anatomy

We are standing straight, doing our routine work properly and enjoying our sex life too spine or back plays.....
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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Spinal Back Spine Problems

Human body is made of many vital organs and one such in the list is the spinal cord of the nervous system......
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A healthy body is a self-maintaining and self-healing organism. Our immune system is constantly defending against sickness and disease—as long as there is no interference with the normal nerve transmission between brain cells and tissue cells. Care of lower back can be done by following simple rules of standing, sitting, lifting etc.


When Standing

   When standing for a long period, rest one foot on a low stool to relieve pressure on lower back.

   Switch the foot resting on the stool every five to 15 minutes.

   Keep ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line, with head up and stomach pulled in.


When Sitting

   Sit in chairs with straight backs or low-back support.

   Keep knees a little higher than hips. Adjust the seat or use a low stool to keep feet on.

   While driving, sit straight and move the seat forward.


When Lifting

   When lifting anything, always bend knees so you hoist the load with your sturdy thigh muscles, not your vulnerable back.

   For support and balance, keep feet apart and lined up under shoulders.

   Don't twist, bend forward or reach while lifting. Carry heavy objects close to your body.


When Sleeping

   Experts advise sleeping on your side with your knees drawn up, perhaps with a pillow between them.

   If you are sleeping on your back, keep your head low and place a small pillow or rolled-up towel under your knees.

   If you sleep on your stomach and it stresses your lower back, place a pillow under your stomach to help protect your back.


Main problem of lower back is pain. There are many things one can do to help prevent back-pain and to improve the health of spine. By following the tips listed below, one can enjoy the benefits of a healthy life at any age!


   Stretching is one of the most powerful exercises we can do to relieve pain in the back. It develops a flexible spine and creates the conditions for the back to heal. When we stretch we release stored up tension in the muscles this in turn releases knots, tightness, spasms, and pain. Stretching helps to heal injuries, and also helps to prevent them. Lower back stretches is highly effective for any chronic or degenerative conditions of the spine, or for any injuries or traumas that have been sustained over a long period of time.

   Follow doctor’s treatment plan and continue home exercise plan (if you were in physical therapy)

   Exercise regularly (aerobic exercise is especially good)

   Don’t add stress to your low back. Avoid lifting heavy items, doing strenuous sport, and excessive bending and twisting.

   Attain and maintain a healthy body weight

   Eat healthy (a well-balanced, low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables)

   Stop smoking

   Avoid excessive use of alcohol

   Get plenty of rest

A healthy body is a self-maintaining and self-healing organism. Our immune system is constantly defending against sickness and disease—as long as there is no interference with the normal nerve transmission between brain cells and tissue cells. Care of lower back can be done by following simple rules of standing, sitting, lifting etc.


When Standing

   When standing for a long period, rest one foot on a low stool to relieve pressure on lower back.

   Switch the foot resting on the stool every five to 15 minutes.

   Keep ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line, with head up and stomach pulled in.


When Sitting

   Sit in chairs with straight backs or low-back support.

   Keep knees a little higher than hips. Adjust the seat or use a low stool to keep feet on.

   While driving, sit straight and move the seat forward.


When Lifting

   When lifting anything, always bend knees so you hoist the load with your sturdy thigh muscles, not your vulnerable back.

   For support and balance, keep feet apart and lined up under shoulders.

   Don't twist, bend forward or reach while lifting. Carry heavy objects close to your body.


When Sleeping

   Experts advise sleeping on your side with your knees drawn up, perhaps with a pillow between them.

   If you are sleeping on your back, keep your head low and place a small pillow or rolled-up towel under your knees.

   If you sleep on your stomach and it stresses your lower back, place a pillow under your stomach to help protect your back.


Main problem of lower back is pain. There are many things one can do to help prevent back-pain and to improve the health of spine. By following the tips listed below, one can enjoy the benefits of a healthy life at any age!


   Stretching is one of the most powerful exercises we can do to relieve pain in the back. It develops a flexible spine and creates the conditions for the back to heal. When we stretch we release stored up tension in the muscles this in turn releases knots, tightness, spasms, and pain. Stretching helps to heal injuries, and also helps to prevent them. Lower back stretches is highly effective for any chronic or degenerative conditions of the spine, or for any injuries or traumas that have been sustained over a long period of time.

   Follow doctor’s treatment plan and continue home exercise plan (if you were in physical therapy)

   Exercise regularly (aerobic exercise is especially good)

   Don’t add stress to your low back. Avoid lifting heavy items, doing strenuous sport, and excessive bending and twisting.

   Attain and maintain a healthy body weight

   Eat healthy (a well-balanced, low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables)

   Stop smoking

   Avoid excessive use of alcohol

   Get plenty of rest

A great personality is always looked upon with vivid grooming aspects. One is watched over his standing and sitting posture. Correct posture serves two fold purposes one is that it brings out the beauty of your body and secondly it shows the self confidence in an individual

Disadvantage of Incorrect Posture

  Incorrect posture puts additional stress on joints, neck and shoulders. This reason is enough to make one tired.

  While working or driving incorrect sitting posture also puts unnecessary pressure on the backbone and may also weaken muscles and ligaments

  Incorrect sitting posture interrupts the proper functioning of heart and lungs that might lead to oxygen deficiency in blood which will cause weakness and lethargy

Physical appearance and personality goes hand in hand. Awareness about correct posture will solve many problems.

Tips to improve posture

  Standing posture Imagine a straight line parallel to your body. Don’t hunch your back or shoulders. Divide your body weight equally on both your feet while standing. Don’t bend one leg and put entire weight on one leg only if standing for long hours. Keep your head steady and straight and hands by the side of your body

  Sitting Posture Give support of ground to the feet while sitting. Maintain that the angle between feet and knees and that between knees and back is 90 degree. Keep your head straight. Pull your shoulders back

  Keep your chin inline with your chest, parallel to the floor. Correct posture ensures good health and confident personality

Yoga and exercise contributes in improving your body posture. Yoga tells you to enhance body consciousness by making you aware of your posture positively. Shoulders and hips are vital to posture; hence Yoga helps and improves flexibility of these

Looking good is no more a daunting task. Thanks to fashionable cloths and accessories available in the market. But besides these all a rather reasonable choice is working on improving one’s posture. Fascinated by the appearance the modern world youth brigade oversee beauty than simply having the “right look”.

Attraction increases with the improvement in personality aspect of beauty. In a study conducted by University of Central Florida, it was discovered that men overlook the physical appearance of a woman if she’s likeable and friendly. Thus we can conclude that even if people who may not meet modern day standards of substantial charm might also be considered beautiful

Looking up while walking make you look taller and instill confidence in you and this is reflected in your stature. You will also look more friendly and approachable. Raised shoulders shows if you are worried and anxious so keep your shoulders down to avoid wrong interpretation that your posture might convey to other people. Down shoulders will give you a relaxed look

Stretching regularly will ease off tension and also help in improving your spinal posture. Posture doe not only means standing and sitting. Sleeping Posture is too important. Lot of pillows and soft toys reduces the space for sleeping on bed which may result in lethargy, neck pain or body aches in morning. Thus developing a proper posture for sleeping will raise your mood throughout the day.

Spinal abnormalities may arise anytime in an individual's life. These are rather unusual or atypical conditions in the spine that crop up even at the time of development of fetus or later with the growing age.

Usually all back pains have an anatomical causation. While severely irregular spinal conditions can produce pain, most patients detected with any of the spinal conditions also see reasonable amount of erosion.

Types of Spinal Abnormalities

Many times abnormal outgrowths appear from hind brain displacing tonsils of the cerebellum into the spinal canal, these anomalous structures are called Chiari Malformations. These are of two types- the most frequent, Chiari type I like syringomyelia and bending of the spine known as scoliosis and Chiari type II is associated with Spina Bifida.



Syringomyelia is a disorder in which a cyst, medically termed as syrinx, forms within the spinal cord during the development of the fetus. This cyst grows in size over the time and fills the center of the cord. This misappropriation to the spinal cord result in pain, weakness, and stiffness in back, shoulders, arms, legs, headaches and loss of the ability to feel extremes of hot or cold, sweating, sexual function and bladder and bowel control.


Tethered Cord Syndrome

Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a condition in which tissues attachment of the spine restrict the movement and growth of the spinal cord. The constrained cord stretches past its tolerance the spinal column which results in damage of nerve cells, nerve fibers, and blood vessels

Tethered cord syndrome may decrease the strength of legs, deformation and loss of sensation in the legs, stumbling, back pain, curving the spine, midline dimples, birthmarks, hairy patches, skin discoloration, skin tags or fatty lumps and bladder incontinence.


Myelomeningocele/Spina Bifida/Diastematomyelia

All the three terms represent the same condition. Myelomeningocele is one of the most common birth defects of the nervous system. It is a neural tube defect in which the spinal canal does not grow fully due to the underdeveloped bones of the spine. This lead to bulging out the spinal cord and its membrane out of the child's back. The individual suffering from this disorder may get partially or fully paralysis of body below the spinal opening. The individual can't walk properly and may have bowel and urinary dysfunction also.



Adequate dosage of Folic acid is advised during pregnancy to cut on risk of myelomeningocele. Research also showed that environmental factors such as radiation can also cause this disorder. If a child is born with myelomeningocele, the children in coming generation of that family are at higher risk than the others.


Lipomas and Lipomyelomeningoceles

Spinal cord lipomas are a fatty mass or tumor within the spinal cord. In rare chances it is spotted among adult men and women also. Lipomyelomeningoceles, or congenital lesions occur due to the failure of closure of spinal bones. This disorder doesn't appear right at the time of birth but it usually emerges within the first year of birth. Harsh truth says that females are more affected by Lipomyelomeningoceles than males.


Symptoms of Spinal Cord Lipomas

The spinal cord is compressed due to the mass of tissues. This causes numbness. The extreme condition results in weakness, difficulty in urination, incontinence and stiffness.

The spine is one of the most important parts of our body. Without it, we could not keep ourselves upright or even stand up. Our spine gives our body structure and support. It allows us to move and bend. The spine also protects our spinal cord. The spinal cord is the column of nerves that connects our brain with the rest of our body, allowing us to control our movements. Without a spinal cord, we can not move any part of your body, and our organs can not function.

Almost every single movement or duty we perform relies on the spine that is how central the spine is to over all good health. The vertebrae consist of 30 bones stacked one on top of the other like a column, this is collectively known as the spinal column. The main role of the spinal column is to protect and house the spinal cord. It also supports the weight of the head and keeps it in a level position while we are walking or standing.

There are thousands of muscles that come in all shapes and sizes in the back that move and support the spine. These muscles are programmed to issue a warning sign in the form of pain when the health of the spine is in danger. Keeping these muscles strong, flexible, and properly balanced is the key to solving back pain.

Spinal flexibility is very important to help keep our vertebrae apart so that the discs do not become compressed. Flexibility comes before strength. Simple exercises performed regularly can keep our spine flexible and help us maintain a healthy back. These exercises will also decompress spine and increase the circulation of spinal fluid, which helps to ease tension in the surrounding muscles


Lower Spine Flex: Sit cross-legged. Hold on to shin of each leg. Flex navel (and hips) forward as you inhale and back as you exhale, setting a steady pace. Inhale slowly as you sit up straight, and then exhale slowly. Breathe only through your nose.


Torso Twists: Again sit cross-legged. Put your hands on your shoulders, thumbs in back and other fingers in front, arms up parallel to the floor. Begin turning your upper body and head from side to side. Your head should moves only with the body and no further. Inhale as you swing to the left, exhale to the right


Spine Strengthener: Lie on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. Keep your fingertips at shoulder level and your heels together. Inhale and raise your head and then your chest off the floor. Keep your pelvic girdle on the floor and hold the position while breathing for one minute. Exhale and lower your upper body to the floor very slowly. Repeat 6-10 times


Side Bender: Stretch as far as possible to one side as you exhale, then inhale and return to the middle. Repeat on the other side. Repeat 6-10 times.


Forward Hip Bend: Arch your back and maintain the arch, breathing normally. Hold the position until you can feel the stretch in your buttocks and hamstrings. Breathe evenly and hold for one minute. Straighten your back then repeat 6-10 times.


We have all been told since childhood to "stand up straight". But it's easy to get into bad habits. Good posture means the spine is in a "neutral" position - not too rounded forward and not arched back too far. So stand up straight and keep spine healthy.

We are standing straight, doing our routine work properly and enjoying our sex life too spine or back plays vital role in all these activities. Let’s have a look at the physical structure of our spine.

The longitudinal row of the disks supports the head and trunk. The intervertebral disks in between the vertebrae separate them from one another yet fasten them together with both the upper and lower surfaces of the bodies by ligaments. These fibrocartilage disks acts as a cushion and shock absorber. Each vertebral disk protrudes two short stalks called "pedicles" which gives rise to two plates like laminae. The laminae fuse posteriorly to become "spinous process." The pedicles, laminae, and spinous process altogether complete a vertebral arch through which the spinal cord passes. Numerous spinal nerves pass through an opening on the surfaces of the vertebral pedicles known as "intervertebral foramina."

The spine is a column made up of three groups of drum-shaped calcified structures called "vertebrae."


Lumbar Vertebrae

The five "lumbar vertebrae" are the lower most vertebrae that support more weight than the vertebrae above them. They have long and strong transverse projections angled backward whereas their short, thick spiny processes are directed horizontally.


Thoracic Vertebrae

The vertebrae in chest region are called "thoracic" vertebrae. These twelve discs, are larger in size than those of the cervical region. The long, pointed spinous processes decending down from the sides joins with ribs. The size of bone increases as moving down from third thoracic vertebra.


Cervical Vertebrae

The seven bones that form the bony axis of the neck are called "cervical" vertebra. These are the smallest of the all the vertebrae. The "transverse foramina" is a passageway to the arteries leading to the brain. The forked characteristic feature of second till fifth vertebra is rather unique. "Atlas", the first vertebra supports and balances the head. The second vertebra called "axis," bears a tooth-like "odontoid process" on its body which upwardly fixes into the ring of the atlas. When the head is moved, the atlas rotates around the odontoid process.


The Coccyx

The tail bone or the lowest part of the vertebral column is called coccyx. When a person sits the pressure of entire body concentrates on the coccyx, and it moves forward, to prevent any shock. Sometimes people suffer fractured or dislocated coccyx because of sitting down with too great force.



The sacrum is a strong large triangular bone at the base of the lower spine. Its broad upper part joins the lowest lumbar vertebrae and its narrow lower part joins the coccyx or "tail bone". The sides are connected to the iliums (pelvic bones). At the time of birth and during early age the five vertebrae of sacrum are separated, but gradually fuse together later sometime around in between the eighteenth and thirtieth years. The sacrum is lodged between the coxal bones of the pelvis and gelled by fibrocartilage at the sacroiliac joints. The weight of the body is transmitted to the legs through the pelvic girdle at these joints.


The spine is one of the most important parts of our body. Without it, we could not keep ourselves upright or even stand up. Our spine gives our body structure and support. It allows us to move and bend. The spine also protects our spinal cord. The spinal cord is the column of nerves that connects our brain with the rest of our body, allowing us to control our movements. Without a spinal cord, we can not move any part of your body, and our organs can not function.

Almost every single movement or duty we perform relies on the spine that is how central the spine is to over all good health. The vertebrae consist of 30 bones stacked one on top of the other like a column, this is collectively known as the spinal column. The main role of the spinal column is to protect and house the spinal cord. It also supports the weight of the head and keeps it in a level position while we are walking or standing.

There are thousands of muscles that come in all shapes and sizes in the back that move and support the spine. These muscles are programmed to issue a warning sign in the form of pain when the health of the spine is in danger. Keeping these muscles strong, flexible, and properly balanced is the key to solving back pain.

Spinal flexibility is very important to help keep our vertebrae apart so that the discs do not become compressed. Flexibility comes before strength. Simple exercises performed regularly can keep our spine flexible and help us maintain a healthy back. These exercises will also decompress spine and increase the circulation of spinal fluid, which helps to ease tension in the surrounding muscles


Lower Spine Flex: Sit cross-legged. Hold on to shin of each leg. Flex navel (and hips) forward as you inhale and back as you exhale, setting a steady pace. Inhale slowly as you sit up straight, and then exhale slowly. Breathe only through your nose.


Torso Twists: Again sit cross-legged. Put your hands on your shoulders, thumbs in back and other fingers in front, arms up parallel to the floor. Begin turning your upper body and head from side to side. Your head should moves only with the body and no further. Inhale as you swing to the left, exhale to the right


Spine Strengthener: Lie on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. Keep your fingertips at shoulder level and your heels together. Inhale and raise your head and then your chest off the floor. Keep your pelvic girdle on the floor and hold the position while breathing for one minute. Exhale and lower your upper body to the floor very slowly. Repeat 6-10 times


Side Bender: Stretch as far as possible to one side as you exhale, then inhale and return to the middle. Repeat on the other side. Repeat 6-10 times.


Forward Hip Bend: Arch your back and maintain the arch, breathing normally. Hold the position until you can feel the stretch in your buttocks and hamstrings. Breathe evenly and hold for one minute. Straighten your back then repeat 6-10 times.


We have all been told since childhood to "stand up straight". But it's easy to get into bad habits. Good posture means the spine is in a "neutral" position - not too rounded forward and not arched back too far. So stand up straight and keep spine healthy.

Spine is most susceptible to pain. Common problems that might be associated with it are Sciatica, Sexual Dysfunction, Colitis and Difficult Periods. The weight of the whole body is first loaded onto the flexible lower portion of the spine and thus making it more vulnerable.

The spine has 30 pairs of mixed spinal nerve, which conducts signals between the spinal cord and the body. These are- 8 pair of cervical spinal nerve (C1-C8), 12 thoracic pairs (T1-T12), 5 lumbar pairs (L1-L5), 5 sacral pairs (S1-S5) and an unpaired coccygeal spinal nerve (Co1). This plexus of spinal nerves forms the peripheral nervous system (PNS).Every vertebra of spine protrudes some nerves which are connected to certain organs. Any misappropriation or malfunctioning of these nerves results in many health problems.

The dysfunction or irregularity nerves of Lumber vertebra can cause constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, hernia, cramps, acidosis, breathing difficulty, varicose veins, sciatica, irregular menstrual periods, difficult periods, miscarriages, bed wetting, and impotency. Many different knee problems, , lumbago, difficult, painful or frequent urination, backaches are credited by problematic lumber nerves.

The poor functioning of 5L vertebra nerves can meager circulation in the leg, ankles and feet, swollen ankles, weak ankles and arches and cold feet.

The eighth vertebra or the first thoracic vertebra is connected with arms and elbows, hands, wrists and fingers, the esophagus and trachea. Its misalignment can cause asthma cough, difficulty in breathing, pain in the lower arms, hands, wrists or fingers.

Second Thoracic nerves commands the problems related with heart and chest

3T nerves goes to lungs, bronchial tubes, covering of the lungs, chest and breast. Problems like bronchitis, pneumonia, chest and respiratory congestion and influenza are related to these nerves.

Fourth Thoracic nerves connect to the gall bladder so the common problems can be jaundice, shingles and gall bladder problems.

The problems related with Fifth Thoracic nerves may be fever, poor blood circulation, low blood pressure, anemia, arthritis and liver ailments.

Misappropriation of sixth Thoracic nerves can cause heartburn, nervous stomach, indigestion, and general stomach problems.

7T nerves connect pancreas and duodenum whereas 8th Thoracic nerves connect spleen. Lack of red blood corpuscles to the fetus during pregnancy and reduction of resistance to disease are due to misalignment of 8T nerves.

Allergies, hyper or hypoadrenia, low back or knee pain, muscle seizures, nervousness and convulsions are all the effects of misappropriation of 9T nerves which are connected to the adrenal and suprarenal glands.

10T nerves controls kidneys. Improper functioning of these nerves adversely affects kidney resulting in hardening of the arteries, nephritis (inflammation of the kidney) and pyelitis (inflammation of the part that connects kidney from with ureter).

11T nerves can lead to boils, eczema, pimples and acne. The last 12th Thoracic vertebra connects to the small intestine, and circulation of the lymph. Major problems concerned are rheumatism, gas pains, certain types of sterility and all lymph and small intestine malfunctions.

The five pairs of sacral nerves are connected with the hipbones and buttocks. Related problems can include sacro-iliac conditions and abnormal spinal curvature problems.

Nerves in the coccyx, the tailbone, are connected with the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids, pruritis (itching) and pain at the end of the spine on sitting might be the result of improper functioning of these nerves.