Spine is most susceptible to pain. Common problems that might be associated with it are Sciatica, Sexual Dysfunction, Colitis and Difficult Periods. The weight of the whole body is first loaded onto the flexible lower portion of the spine and thus making it more vulnerable.

The spine has 30 pairs of mixed spinal nerve, which conducts signals between the spinal cord and the body. These are- 8 pair of cervical spinal nerve (C1-C8), 12 thoracic pairs (T1-T12), 5 lumbar pairs (L1-L5), 5 sacral pairs (S1-S5) and an unpaired coccygeal spinal nerve (Co1). This plexus of spinal nerves forms the peripheral nervous system (PNS).Every vertebra of spine protrudes some nerves which are connected to certain organs. Any misappropriation or malfunctioning of these nerves results in many health problems.

The dysfunction or irregularity nerves of Lumber vertebra can cause constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, hernia, cramps, acidosis, breathing difficulty, varicose veins, sciatica, irregular menstrual periods, difficult periods, miscarriages, bed wetting, and impotency. Many different knee problems, , lumbago, difficult, painful or frequent urination, backaches are credited by problematic lumber nerves.

The poor functioning of 5L vertebra nerves can meager circulation in the leg, ankles and feet, swollen ankles, weak ankles and arches and cold feet.

The eighth vertebra or the first thoracic vertebra is connected with arms and elbows, hands, wrists and fingers, the esophagus and trachea. Its misalignment can cause asthma cough, difficulty in breathing, pain in the lower arms, hands, wrists or fingers.

Second Thoracic nerves commands the problems related with heart and chest

3T nerves goes to lungs, bronchial tubes, covering of the lungs, chest and breast. Problems like bronchitis, pneumonia, chest and respiratory congestion and influenza are related to these nerves.

Fourth Thoracic nerves connect to the gall bladder so the common problems can be jaundice, shingles and gall bladder problems.

The problems related with Fifth Thoracic nerves may be fever, poor blood circulation, low blood pressure, anemia, arthritis and liver ailments.

Misappropriation of sixth Thoracic nerves can cause heartburn, nervous stomach, indigestion, and general stomach problems.

7T nerves connect pancreas and duodenum whereas 8th Thoracic nerves connect spleen. Lack of red blood corpuscles to the fetus during pregnancy and reduction of resistance to disease are due to misalignment of 8T nerves.

Allergies, hyper or hypoadrenia, low back or knee pain, muscle seizures, nervousness and convulsions are all the effects of misappropriation of 9T nerves which are connected to the adrenal and suprarenal glands.

10T nerves controls kidneys. Improper functioning of these nerves adversely affects kidney resulting in hardening of the arteries, nephritis (inflammation of the kidney) and pyelitis (inflammation of the part that connects kidney from with ureter).

11T nerves can lead to boils, eczema, pimples and acne. The last 12th Thoracic vertebra connects to the small intestine, and circulation of the lymph. Major problems concerned are rheumatism, gas pains, certain types of sterility and all lymph and small intestine malfunctions.

The five pairs of sacral nerves are connected with the hipbones and buttocks. Related problems can include sacro-iliac conditions and abnormal spinal curvature problems.

Nerves in the coccyx, the tailbone, are connected with the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids, pruritis (itching) and pain at the end of the spine on sitting might be the result of improper functioning of these nerves.